The average delivery time within the Netherlands is 1-2 working days, excluding holidays. In 99% of cases, orders are delivered within the expected delivery time. Unfortunately, it can sometimes happen that an order is delayed in the delivery process.

Have you not received anything 3 days after the expected delivery time? Please contact us.

PeddyPal also ships internationally. See our Shipping Policy page for more information.

Shipping times apply to transit time only, and do not include processing/production time. For items available on Pre-Order or Back-Order, additional time will apply which will be specified in the product description.

Shipping costs for delivered products are non-refundable. International shipping excludes duties and taxes.


All payments made at www. PeddyPal.com . are safe. All prices and transactions quoted are in Euros. We accept payments via Paypal, and all major credit card companies including Visa and Mastercard. We do not accept payment by check or cash on delivery.


You can return any order to us within 14 days of receipt. We offer a 100% money back guarantee if the product is not defective or damaged. Products must be returned in their original condition and with tags and labels. The product must not contain any traces of use. A return shipment must always be provided with a Track & Trace code. The sender is always responsible for the shipment. You must return it at your own expense. As soon as we have received the returned items, we will ensure that the purchase amount is on your account within 14 days. Please state the name and order number on the returned packages.

When applying letters, for example initials, all sales are final due to the production process and demand.

Click here to download a return form.


Our 90 (ninety) day manufacturer's warranty covers original defects on our products and accessories. This warranty covers pre-existing defects in materials and any defects in workmanship. We ask for your understanding that damage caused by the user is not covered by this warranty. This includes: accident damage, misuse, excessive weight, normal wear and tear, exposure to extreme temperatures, abrasive surfaces, and any form of moisture or oily substances.

Please note that genuine fine leather as used in our collection will develop in color and finish over time and will not remain the same as the day you received the item.


You can cancel your order without penalty! You must cancel your order before it is shipped. If the item has already been shipped, you can use our easy returns system to get a full refund.


If you have entered a misspelled or auto-entered address, simply reply to your order confirmation email and confirm. If you have verified that the address you entered is incorrect, please let us know via email at info@PeddyPal.com . If the address entered is incorrect, we can change the address to the correct one within 24 hours. No refund will be made after 24 hours of incorrect submission.

We strive for an exceptional experience with our products and customer services. If you have any questions, concerns or concerns, or if you are interested in becoming a retail partner, please contact our online support team at - info@PeddyPal.com .